He may have backed the world’s most successful rock band, but the late drummer worshipped his jazz heroes through big bands and other projectsEveryone knew that Charlie Watts’s heart was always in jaz ...
The Led Zeppelin frontman turned podcaster reflects on jazz beatniks reading Camus, the primeval power of Ike & Tina Turner, and taking Muddy Waters’s spot on Alexis Korner’s couchI was an only ch ...
I always associated Harold Pendleton with quality in all his promotions at the Marquee Club and elsewhere, and now I realise just how much I owed him in terms of the artists he showcased, all part of ...
Alexis Korner (19. dubna 1928, Paříž, Francie - 1. ledna 1984, Londýn, Anglie) byl britský bluesový hudebník. Často bývá označován jako „otec britského blues“. V 50. letech byl členem skupiny Chrise Barbera. Byl také členem skupin Blues Incorporated, C.C.S. a dalších.
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