Publicista, překladatel, básník a muzikant Michal Bystrov v knize Pekelnej pes má na mě vztek nabízí hravé české variace na texty bluesových standardů. Sáhl do repertoáru Roberta Johnsona, Johna Lee H ...
She was the epitome of Summer of Love chic – and became overshadowed by tragedy. But as her raw power is celebrated on stage in London, her family and bandmates explain there was far more to the singe ...
This welcome reissue of the poet’s 1997 book about the ‘empress of the blues’ combines fact, personal memory and poetry to create an eloquent ‘herstory’Blueswoman Bessie Smith was a complex character, ...
As a black girl growing up in 1970s Glasgow, poet Jackie Kay developed a passion for Bessie Smith. In this extract from her new book, she remembers the wild spirit who helped her find her true selfI w ...
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