(Yeprock) Dave and Phil Alvin became as well known for their tempestuous relationship as for their music. In 1979 they founded the classic Los Angeles band the Blasters, mixing punk energy with blues ...
Roots rocking brothers Phil and Dave Alvin brought their latest project home with their roof-raising performance Saturday at the Troubadour in West Hollywood highlighting from their album, “Common Gro ...
JP Bean's bumper oral history of British folk clubs needed a stronger curator"It's a vernacular spectacular!", screams Jarvis Cocker from the cover of this celebration of British folk clubs, as the Pu ...
09.03.2014Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features | theguardian.com
Big Bill Broonzy (26. června 1898 – 15. srpna 1958, Chicago, Illinois, Spojené státy americké) byl americký bluesový zpěvák, kytarista a hudební skladatel. V roce 1980 byl jako jeden z prvních uveden do Blues Hall of Fame. Zemřel na rakovinu.
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