Američtí The Raconteurs chtějí opět koncertovat. Na Twitteru o tom informoval člen skupiny Brendan Benson. „Rok 2019 bude skvělý, protože budu na turné s The Raconteurs,“ napsal. Bližší detaily o konc ...
02.01.2019Médium: PLAY.CZ - rádia a televize online
Electric Ballroom, Camden, LondonFrom Beatles to glam to metal, former White Stripes frontman Jack White and his re-energised Raconteurs have a blastThe further we get from the 20th century, the harde ...
RR Regular Makinavaja picks the playlist from last week's thread about glossies both coffee table and top shelfDr Hook make no bones about the fact that they would love to appear on the Cover of the R ...
23.05.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features |
Justin Timberlake shed his boy band image to launch a successful career. Can he help Myspace do the same thing?In its protracted battle to remain relevant, MySpace previewed a significantly rebooted v ...
25.09.2012Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features |
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