Eric Hester články

Fandím 0 fanoušků
0 antifanoušků
Napiš názor názorů

Povolání: Ostatní, skladatel

Věk: 51 let

Datum narození: 9.01. 1974

Místo narození: USA, Las Vegas, Nevada

Články o Eric Hester


Celkem článků: 0, stránek: 0

  ZFDebug log Log variables Variables database 42 in 187.79 ms file 182 Files 3416K in 1020ms

Event log for indexController->indexAction()

674ms808KStartup - ZFDebug construct()

View variables

Request parameters

action => 'index'
controller => 'index'
menuItemId => 253
module => 'default'
type => 40
value1 => 'eric-hester'
value2 => 'clanky'

Zend Registry

Zend_View_Helper_Doctype => ArrayObject Object()
box_similar =>
0 => 57408
1 => 0
2 => 'Eric Hester'
3 => 'eric-hester'
4 => 4
dbAdapter => Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql Object()
defLang => 'cs'
host => 0
lang => 'cs'
locale => Zend_Locale Object()
userData =>
access_type => 999



Database queries – Metadata cache ENABLED

0.60ms connect
0.67ms SELECT hash, `cs` FROM fp_i18n
1.31ms SELECT `biz_osobnosti`.*, `dat_osobnostixkategorie`.`id_katd`, `dat_kategorie`.`value` FROM `biz_osobnosti` LEFT JOIN `dat_osobnostixkategorie` ON dat_osobnostixkategorie.id_osobnosti8 = LEFT JOIN `dat_kategorie` ON = dat_osobnostixkategorie.id_katd WHERE (biz_osobnosti.seo = 'eric-hester') ORDER BY `id_katd` asc LIMIT 1
0.19ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.`id` FROM `fp_menu_items` WHERE (title = 'Ostatní') AND (menuId = 154)
0.23ms SELECT `fp_settings`.* FROM `fp_settings`
0.15ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_components`.`lang`, `fp_components`.`type` AS `component_type`, `fp_components`.`parentMenuItem` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_components` ON = fp_menu_items.menuId WHERE ( = '253') AND (lang = 'cs') LIMIT 1
0.11ms SELECT `fp_component_types`.* FROM `fp_component_types` WHERE (`id` = '40') LIMIT 1
0.33ms SELECT `biz_osobnosti`.* FROM `biz_osobnosti` WHERE (biz_osobnosti.seo = 'eric-hester') LIMIT 1
0.61ms SELECT `fp_content`.`title`, `fp_content`.`introText`, `fp_content`.`seo`, `fp_content`.`image_thumb`, `fp_content`.`pr_perex_link`, `fp_content`.`pr_perex_script` FROM `fp_content` WHERE (is_PR = 1) AND (active = 1) AND ((NOW() BETWEEN date_startPublish AND date_stopPublish) OR (NOW() > date_startPublish AND ISNULL(date_stopPublish))) ORDER BY `date_created` ASC LIMIT 1
0.49ms SELECT `biz_skupinyxosobnosti`.*, `biz_skupiny`.`nazev` AS `xnazev`, `biz_skupiny`.`seo` AS `xseo`, `biz_skupiny`.`id` AS `xid` FROM `biz_skupinyxosobnosti` LEFT JOIN `biz_skupiny` ON = biz_skupinyxosobnosti.id_skupiny14 WHERE (id_osobnosti14 = '57408')
2.29ms UPDATE biz_osobnosti SET counter = counter + 1, counter_day = counter_day + 1, counter_week = counter_week + 1, counter_month = counter_month + 1 WHERE id = 57408
0.27ms SELECT count(*) AS `pocet` FROM `fan_osobnosti` WHERE (osobnost_id = 57408)
0.26ms SELECT count(*) AS `pocet` FROM `fan_ne_osobnosti` WHERE (osobnost_id = 57408)
152.57ms SELECT `rat_osobnosti`.* FROM `rat_osobnosti` WHERE (id_osobnosti = '57408')
4.47ms SELECT `rat_rebricek1`.`id` FROM `rat_rebricek1` WHERE (id_osobnosti = '57408') LIMIT 1
4.98ms SELECT `rat_rebricek2`.`id` FROM `rat_rebricek2` WHERE (id_osobnosti = '57408') LIMIT 1
5.27ms SELECT `rat_rebricek3`.`id` FROM `rat_rebricek3` WHERE (id_osobnosti = '57408') LIMIT 1
3.94ms SELECT `rat_rebricek4`.`id` FROM `rat_rebricek4` WHERE (id_osobnosti = '57408') LIMIT 1
0.68ms SELECT COUNT(1) AS `zend_paginator_row_count` FROM `biz_osobnostixclanky` LEFT JOIN `fp_content` ON WHERE (id_osobnosti5 = '57408') AND ( = 1) AND (date_startPublish <= NOW() OR date_startPublish IS NULL) AND (date_stopPublish >= NOW() OR date_stopPublish IS NULL)
1.68ms SELECT `biz_osobnostixclanky`.*, `fp_content`.* FROM `biz_osobnostixclanky` LEFT JOIN `fp_content` ON WHERE (id_osobnosti5 = '57408') AND ( = 1) AND (date_startPublish <= NOW() OR date_startPublish IS NULL) AND (date_stopPublish >= NOW() OR date_stopPublish IS NULL) ORDER BY `date_created` desc LIMIT 10
0.30ms SELECT `fp_components`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `component_type`, `fp_component_types`.`model`, `fp_modules`.`name` AS `module`, `fp_modules`.`controller`, `fp_component_positions`.`name` AS `position`, `fp_component_menuitems_assign`.`fp_menuItemId` FROM `fp_components` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON = fp_components.type LEFT JOIN `fp_modules` ON = fp_component_types.moduleId LEFT JOIN `fp_component_positions` ON = fp_components.position LEFT JOIN `fp_component_menuitems_assign` ON fp_component_menuitems_assign.fp_componentId = AND fp_menuItemId = '253' WHERE (`fp_components`.`active` = '1') AND (`fp_component_positions`.`active` = '1') AND (`fp_component_types`.`active` = '1') AND (`lang` = 'cs') AND (`access_type` >= 999) AND (show_in_menu = 0 OR show_in_menu = 2 AND fp_menuItemId IS NOT NULL OR show_in_menu = 3 AND fp_menuItemId IS NULL) ORDER BY `fp_components`.order ASC
0.32ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.* FROM `fp_menu_items`
0.21ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value AND fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (menuId = '142') AND ( = 1) AND ( = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) ORDER BY `order` ASC
0.29ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value and fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE ( = 1) AND ( = 1) AND (access_type >= 999)
0.32ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.* FROM `fp_menu_items`
0.21ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value AND fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (menuId = '143') AND ( = 1) AND ( = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) ORDER BY `order` ASC
0.98ms SELECT `fp_content`.`title`, `fp_content`.`introText`, `fp_content`.`seo`, `fp_content`.`image_thumb`, `fp_content`.`pr_perex_link`, `fp_content`.`pr_perex_script` FROM `fp_content` WHERE (is_PR = 1) AND (active = 1) AND ((NOW() BETWEEN date_startPublish AND date_stopPublish) OR (NOW() > date_startPublish AND ISNULL(date_stopPublish))) ORDER BY `date_created` ASC LIMIT 1
0.18ms SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '162') LIMIT 1
0.16ms SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '161') LIMIT 1
0.20ms SELECT `biz_filmyxosobnosti`.*, `biz_filmy`.`nazev` AS `fnazev`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`id` AS `sid` FROM `biz_filmyxosobnosti` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy` ON LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_sceny` ON WHERE (biz_filmyxosobnosti.pr_video = 1) LIMIT 1
0.18ms SELECT `biz_filmyxosobnosti`.*, `biz_filmy`.`id` AS `fid`, `biz_filmy`.`nazev` AS `fnazev`, `biz_filmy`.`seo` AS `fseo`, `biz_filmy`.`typ` AS `ftyp`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`id` AS `sid`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`image`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`typ`, `biz_videa_kategorie`.`seo_url` AS `kategorie_seo`, `biz_videa_kategorie`.`kategorie_name`, `biz_osobnosti`.`seo` AS `oseo`, `biz_osobnosti`.`jmeno` AS `ojmeno` FROM `biz_filmyxosobnosti` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy` ON LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_sceny` ON LEFT JOIN `biz_videa_kategorie` ON LEFT JOIN `biz_osobnosti` ON = biz_filmyxosobnosti.id_user WHERE (biz_filmyxosobnosti.pr_video = 1) LIMIT 1
0.16ms SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '157') LIMIT 1
0.18ms SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '233') LIMIT 1
0.14ms SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '160') LIMIT 1
0.13ms SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '158') LIMIT 1
0.34ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.* FROM `fp_menu_items`
0.22ms SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value AND fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (menuId = '154') AND ( = 1) AND ( = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) ORDER BY `order` ASC
0.63ms SELECT `biz_similar`.* FROM `biz_similar` WHERE (id_artist = '57408') AND (type_artist = 0) ORDER BY `value` DESC LIMIT 6
0.65ms SELECT `biz_skupiny`.`nazev`, `biz_skupiny`.`seo` AS `xseo`, `biz_skupiny`.`profil_photo` FROM `biz_skupiny` WHERE (id = '30301') LIMIT 1
0.31ms SELECT `biz_skupiny`.`nazev`, `biz_skupiny`.`seo` AS `xseo`, `biz_skupiny`.`profil_photo` FROM `biz_skupiny` WHERE (id = '28689') LIMIT 1
0.26ms SELECT `biz_skupiny`.`nazev`, `biz_skupiny`.`seo` AS `xseo`, `biz_skupiny`.`profil_photo` FROM `biz_skupiny` WHERE (id = '31517') LIMIT 1
0.32ms SELECT `biz_osobnosti`.`jmeno` AS `nazev`, `biz_osobnosti`.`seo` AS `xseo`, `biz_osobnosti`.`profil_photo` FROM `biz_osobnosti` WHERE (id = '42160') LIMIT 1

182 files included worth 1715.3K

Application Files


Zend Files


ZFDebug Files
