V pátek třináctého se k nám vedle prezidentských voleb dostalo i několik hudebních novinek. Sólově se představují dva frontmani - Ville Valo z HIM a Gaz Coombes ze Supergrass. Doplňují je Circa Waves, ...
The singer and Supergrass frontman has a soft spot for 1-D and a certain naff Bowie-Jagger duet. But what do he – and Skid Row – like to sing at karaoke?The first song I remember hearing I recall bein ...
This week, knocking on Grace’s door is actual rockstar Gaz Coombes. Gaz has sold millions of records around the world, both as the lead singer of Supergrass and as a critically acclaimed solo artist. ...
As Supergrass return to festival stages, their frontman remembers his younger days, from the majesty of Spacemen 3 to love letters via mixtapesThis was a big thing for me: lots of recording off the ra ...
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