As the 78-year-old star tours his latest solo LP, he answers your questions on his Everton terrace anthem, the making of I’m Not in Love and hosting Joey Ramone in StockportDo 10cc deserve more recogn ...
The Queen guitarist answers your questions, on regretting never playing with John Lennon, his love of Pink and Avril Lavigne, and his beef with Michael EavisWhich guitarists influenced you the most as ...
From grooving with Stan Getz to piano-thumping in London’s Soho, Allison never lost his caustic charm or the earthiness of his southern rootsWhen I was 16, I was torn between trying to learn to play g ...
Hank Brian Marvin (* jako Brian Robson Rankin 28. října 1941, Newcastle upon Tyne, Anglie) je anglický kytarista, nejvíce známý jako člen instrumentální rockové skupiny The Shadows.
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