Příští týden bude zahájena renovace slavné budovy Opery v australském městě Sydney. Cílem projektu za 273 milionů australských dolarů je především zlepšit akustiku interiéru stavby, která je na seznam ...
Joan Sutherland theatre, Sydney Opera HouseThe ascendant musician channels the feeling of being isolated in a cavernous space in her livestreamed album launch “I did think the first time I’d be here t ...
Sydney Opera House, Vivid LiveLong, improvised jams and muffled vocals meant that the Texan band only really hit their stride in the encoreWith no words of introduction, a jetlagged Midlake took to th ...
Sydney Opera HouseLess that half of the seats in the Joan Sutherland Theatre are filled on this wet Sunday evening, but it's likely that in future stories this show will have been more than sold out. ...
03.06.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features | guardian.co.uk
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