In the title song of “Lost in the Stars,” the 1949 musical by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson being mounted this weekend by Washington National Opera, the Rev. Stephen Kumalo, a black Anglican priest ...
12.02.2016Médium: Music: Music News, Reviews and Concerts - The Washington
Actor who made her name in comedy films as an acid-tongued, gravel-voiced tyrantEileen Brennan, who has died aged 80, had been a stage actor since the late 1950s, but it was as a largely comic presenc ...
31.07.2013Médium: World news and comment from the Guardian |
By dropping admissions fees, the Dallas Museum of Art evolves from an exclusionary club to a democratic cultural treasureTexas has been getting some bad press lately, what with its boneheaded governor ...
30.11.2012Médium: World news and comment from the Guardian |
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