Jarní klubová sezóna pomalu vrcholí a ani Roxy nezůstává pozadu.V programu předního pražského klubu, který letos slaví dvacet let existence, najdete jak jména producentů a DJů ze ...
RR regular Shoegazer has picked this week’s playlist, which you can read about and listen to below as we continue our slightly tweaked formatStay tuned or check back at 8pm to learn the new theme on w ...
As the new millennium rolled in, so did a new wave of rock’n’roll DJs who helped reboot an eccentric new wave of dance music, from Miss Kittin to Erol Alkan and 2manydjs Also in this series...Bugged O ...
The globe-straddling underground house DJ on why she's useless at karaoke, keen to learn taxidermy, and wants to reinvent the chartsMaya Jane Coles is telling me about the time she wore duct tape over ...
23.11.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features | theguardian.com
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