Britská herečka Roxanne Pallett (36) byla vrtulníkem přepravena do nemocnice poté, co se závodním autem nabourala do betonové zdi. Pallett závodila proti kolegovi Benu Fryiovi, se kterým moderuje show ...
Roxanne Pallett shot to fame on ITV's Emmerdale but was forced to step away from the limelight after her controversial time on Celebrity Big Brother. Since then, she has created a new life for herself
Ahead of Celebrity Big Brother returning to our screens once again on Monday night, we take a look at the life of one of the house's most infamous former residents, Roxanne Pallett
The star is celebrating her 'happy ending' after finding love, moving to New York and getting married - and now she and husband Jason Carrion are expecting their first baby together
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