8. ledna, v den nedožitých 70. narozenin Davida Bowieho, se v Londýně uskuteční první ze speciálních koncertů, které uspořádají na jeho počest přátelé, bývalí spoluhráči a spolupracovníci. Během večer ...
16.11.2016Médium: PLAY.CZ - rádia a televize online
Past members of David Bowie’s various band incarnations will play ‘Bowie music Bowie style’ in London, New York, LA, Sydney and TokyoDavid Bowie’s closest collaborators are to mark the first anniversa ...
As Bowie releases his first album in 10 years, we find out what he's really like from friends, lovers, bandmates… and the man who directed him in SpongeBob SquarePantsGeorge Underwood, artist and life ...
23.02.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features | guardian.co.uk
David Bowie sprang the biggest surprise the pop industry has seen in years by recording his new single Where Are We Now? and a new album in complete secrecy. Producer Tony Visconti, guitarist Earl Sli ...
12.01.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features | guardian.co.uk
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