Shirley Manson, Duke Erikson, Steve Marker a Butch Vig již přes pětadvacet let tvoří formaci známou jako Garbage. Tohle výročí samozřejmě nezůstane bez odezvy. Kromě příprav dalšího ... ...
The singer says she's been back in the studio with the boys - Duke Erikson, Steve Marker and Butch Vig - as they are working on the follow up album to 2021's No Gods No Masters
Festival theatre, EdinburghCelebrating the 20th anniversary of Version 2.0, Shirley Manson’s ‘mongrel pop’ band channel robotic beats into an endearingly human performance‘We love you Shirley!” This e ...
Troxy, LondonWhen Garbage took an indefinite break in 2005, the prospects for a future reunion appeared slim. Factionalised, demoralised and at loggerheads with their record company, the band baled ou ...
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