Rocková kapela Keane, vystoupí 2.listopadu 2012 ve Velkém sále Lucerny v Praze.
V roce 1995 založil Tim Rice-Oxley s jeho kámošem...
Datum konání: 02.11.2012
The founding members of the band on early gigs, a magical brush with a Beatle, and being lifelong friendsTom Chaplin and Tim Rice-Oxley are childhood friends and founding members of Keane, a grou ...
Hammersmith Apollo, LondonRizzle Kicks, Robbie Williams and Lily Allen were among the stars who joined Coldplay for this variety-style charity showIf Prince Harry were put in charge of the Royal Varie ...
20.12.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features |
Unbearable as it is to contemplate, the release of a greatest hits album by the band from Battle could mark their splitIt had to happen at some point. We are all just little blobs on the great big whe ...
11.11.2013Médium: Music news, reviews, comment and features |
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