How to be creative? Pay attention to the weird moments.
Brilliant ideas can come from basically anywhere. Whether it's Kurt Cobain not realizing "Teen Spirit" was a female deodorant that his girlfrie ...
Disney's long-gestating sport's drama "McFarland" is getting a new lease of life, with "Planet of the Apes" scribe William Broyles, Jr. coming on board to re-write the script, an individual with knowl ...
30.11.2012Médium: The Wrap Media - Entertainment Industry Analysis, Breaking Hollywood News
Disney's long-gestating sport's drama "McFarland" is getting a new lease of life, with "Planet of the Apes" scribe William Broyles, Jr. coming on board to re-write the script, an individual with knowl ...
30.11.2012Médium: - Entertainment Industry Analysis, Breaking Hollywood News
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