©2008-2009 Joakim Nygård
with contributions by Andreas Pankratz and others
The project is hosted at http://zfdebug.googlecode.com and released under the BSD License
Includes images from the Silk Icon set by Mark James
Disable ZFDebug temporarily by sending ZFDEBUG_DISABLE as a GET/POST parameter
977ms | 805K | Startup - ZFDebug construct() |
0ms | 12K | Route |
WARN: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /application/models/Film.php on line 492 | ||
WARN: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /application/models/Film.php on line 652 | ||
WARN: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /application/models/Film.php on line 731 | ||
741ms | 1482K | indexController::indexAction |
741ms | 1484K | Dispatch |
1763ms | 3194K | Shutdown |
0.54ms | connect |
0.69ms | SELECT hash, `cs` FROM fp_i18n |
0.24ms | SELECT `fp_settings`.* FROM `fp_settings` |
0.16ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_components`.`lang`, `fp_components`.`type` AS `component_type`, `fp_components`.`parentMenuItem` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_components` ON fp_components.id = fp_menu_items.menuId WHERE (fp_menu_items.id = 231) AND (lang = 'cs') LIMIT 1 |
0.12ms | SELECT `fp_component_types`.* FROM `fp_component_types` WHERE (`id` = '99') LIMIT 1 |
146.80ms | SELECT `biz_filmy`.* FROM `biz_filmy` WHERE (biz_filmy.seo = 'csaladunk-szegyene') LIMIT 1 |
0.43ms | SELECT `biz_filmy`.`nazev_orig` FROM `biz_filmy` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmyxzeme` ON id = film_id WHERE (biz_filmy.id = '286788') AND (zeme_id NOT IN (3,4,5)) LIMIT 1 |
0.72ms | SELECT `biz_osobnostixfilmy`.*, `biz_osobnosti`.`jmeno`, `biz_osobnosti`.`seo`, `biz_osobnosti`.`profil_photo` FROM `biz_osobnostixfilmy` LEFT JOIN `biz_osobnosti` ON biz_osobnosti.id = biz_osobnostixfilmy.osobnost_id WHERE (film_id = '286788') |
3.83ms | SELECT `biz_skupinyxfilmy`.*, `biz_skupiny`.`nazev` AS `jmeno`, `biz_skupiny`.`seo`, `biz_skupiny`.`profil_photo` FROM `biz_skupinyxfilmy` LEFT JOIN `biz_skupiny` ON biz_skupiny.id = biz_skupinyxfilmy.skupina_id WHERE (film_id = '286788') |
269.44ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxzanry_csfd`.*, `biz_filmy_zanry_csfd`.`zanr` FROM `biz_filmyxzanry_csfd` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_zanry_csfd` ON biz_filmy_zanry_csfd.id = biz_filmyxzanry_csfd.zanr_id WHERE (film_id = '286788') |
6.93ms | SELECT `biz_trailery`.* FROM `biz_trailery` WHERE (film_id = '286788') LIMIT 1 |
107.70ms | SELECT `biz_filmy_fotky`.* FROM `biz_filmy_fotky` WHERE (film_id = '286788') ORDER BY `hash` DESC |
1.58ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxzeme`.*, `biz_zeme`.`zeme` FROM `biz_filmyxzeme` LEFT JOIN `biz_zeme` ON biz_zeme.id = biz_filmyxzeme.zeme_id WHERE (film_id = '286788') |
1.24ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxclanky`.*, `fp_content`.* FROM `biz_filmyxclanky` LEFT JOIN `fp_content` ON fp_content.id=biz_filmyxclanky.clanek_id WHERE (film_id = '286788') AND (fp_content.active = 1) AND (date_startPublish <= NOW() OR date_startPublish IS NULL) AND (date_stopPublish >= NOW() OR date_stopPublish IS NULL) ORDER BY `date_created` desc |
0.59ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxklice`.*, `biz_klice`.`klic`, `biz_klice`.`klic_cz`, `biz_klice`.`seo`, `biz_kategorie_klicu`.`kategorie` FROM `biz_filmyxklice` LEFT JOIN `biz_klice` ON biz_klice.id = biz_filmyxklice.klic_id INNER JOIN `biz_kategorie_klicu` ON biz_klice.kategorie_klicu = biz_kategorie_klicu.id WHERE (film_id = '286788' AND portal like "%jinni%" AND klic_cz <> "") ORDER BY `biz_kategorie_klicu`.`order` ASC |
0.44ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxklice`.*, `biz_klice`.`klic`, `biz_klice`.`klic_cz`, `biz_klice`.`seo` FROM `biz_filmyxklice` LEFT JOIN `biz_klice` ON biz_klice.id = biz_filmyxklice.klic_id WHERE (film_id = '286788' AND portal like "imdb" AND klic_cz <> "") ORDER BY `imdb_poradi` ASC |
0.44ms | SELECT biz_filmy.stahnout, `biz_filmy_rel_csfd`.film_main_id, `biz_filmy_rel_csfd`.film_rel_id, `biz_filmy`.`nazev`, `biz_filmy`.`seo`, `biz_filmy`.`rok`, `biz_filmy`.`hodnoceni`, `biz_filmy`.`typ`, `biz_filmy_postery`.`csfd`, `biz_filmy_postery`.`imdb`, `biz_filmyxzeme`.`zeme_id` FROM `biz_filmy_rel_csfd` INNER JOIN `biz_filmy` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmy_rel_csfd.film_rel_id LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_postery` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmy_postery.film_id LEFT JOIN `biz_filmyxzeme` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmyxzeme.film_id AND biz_filmyxzeme.zeme_id = 1 WHERE biz_filmy_rel_csfd.film_main_id = 286788 ORDER BY `biz_filmy_rel_csfd`.`poradi` ASC |
1.06ms | SELECT biz_filmy.stahnout, `biz_filmy_rel_imdb`.film_main_id, `biz_filmy_rel_imdb`.film_rel_id, `biz_filmy`.`nazev`, `biz_filmy`.`seo`, `biz_filmy`.`rok`, `biz_filmy`.`hodnoceni`, `biz_filmy`.`typ`, `biz_filmy_postery`.`csfd`, `biz_filmy_postery`.`imdb`, `biz_filmyxzeme`.`zeme_id` FROM `biz_filmy_rel_imdb` INNER JOIN `biz_filmy` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmy_rel_imdb.film_rel_id LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_postery` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmy_postery.film_id LEFT JOIN `biz_filmyxzeme` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmyxzeme.film_id AND biz_filmyxzeme.zeme_id = 1 WHERE biz_filmy_rel_imdb.film_main_id = 286788 ORDER BY `biz_filmy_rel_imdb`.`poradi` ASC |
0.44ms | SELECT biz_filmy.stahnout, `biz_filmy_rel_jinni`.film_main_id, `biz_filmy_rel_jinni`.film_rel_id, `biz_filmy`.`nazev`, `biz_filmy`.`seo`, `biz_filmy`.`rok`, `biz_filmy`.`hodnoceni`, `biz_filmy`.`typ`, `biz_filmy_postery`.`csfd`, `biz_filmy_postery`.`imdb`, `biz_filmyxzeme`.`zeme_id` FROM `biz_filmy_rel_jinni` INNER JOIN `biz_filmy` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmy_rel_jinni.film_rel_id LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_postery` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmy_postery.film_id LEFT JOIN `biz_filmyxzeme` ON biz_filmy.id = biz_filmyxzeme.film_id AND biz_filmyxzeme.zeme_id = 1 WHERE biz_filmy_rel_jinni.film_main_id = 286788 ORDER BY `biz_filmy_rel_jinni`.`poradi` ASC |
0.67ms | SELECT `biz_filmy_postery`.* FROM `biz_filmy_postery` WHERE (biz_filmy_postery.film_id = '286788') LIMIT 1 |
0.37ms | SELECT `biz_filmy_vs_seznamy`.*, `biz_filmy_seznamy`.`nazev`, `biz_filmy_seznamy`.`popis`, `biz_filmy_seznamy`.`id`, `users`.`username` FROM `biz_filmy_vs_seznamy` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_seznamy` ON biz_filmy_seznamy.id = biz_filmy_vs_seznamy.seznam_id LEFT JOIN `users` ON users.id = biz_filmy_seznamy.user_id WHERE (biz_filmy_vs_seznamy.film_id = '286788' AND seznam_id is not null) LIMIT 1 |
0.38ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxosobnosti`.*, `biz_osobnosti`.`jmeno` AS `fnazev`, `biz_osobnosti`.`seo` AS `fseo` FROM `biz_filmyxosobnosti` LEFT JOIN `biz_osobnosti` ON biz_osobnosti.id=biz_filmyxosobnosti.id_user WHERE (biz_filmyxosobnosti.id_film = '286788') |
0.44ms | SELECT hs.*, hsn.url FROM biz_filmy_hellshare hs JOIN biz_filmy_hellshare_nahledy hsn ON hs.hell_id=hsn.file_id WHERE hs.film_id=286788 GROUP BY hs.hell_id |
0.32ms | SELECT hs.*, hsn.url FROM biz_filmy_hellshare hs JOIN biz_filmy_hellshare_nahledy hsn ON hs.hell_id=hsn.file_id WHERE hs.film_id=286788 GROUP BY hs.hell_id LIMIT 6 |
0.26ms | SELECT `biz_filmy_vs_seznamy`.*, `users`.`username`, `users`.`sex` FROM `biz_filmy_vs_seznamy` LEFT JOIN `users` ON users.id = biz_filmy_vs_seznamy.user_id WHERE (biz_filmy_vs_seznamy.film_id = '286788' AND videl_jsem = 1) |
0.45ms | SELECT `biz_filmy_vs_seznamy`.*, `users`.`username`, `users`.`sex` FROM `biz_filmy_vs_seznamy` LEFT JOIN `users` ON users.id = biz_filmy_vs_seznamy.user_id WHERE (biz_filmy_vs_seznamy.film_id = '286788' AND chci_videt = 1) |
9.76ms | SELECT `biz_recenze`.* FROM `biz_recenze` WHERE (biz_recenze.film_id = '286788') LIMIT 1 |
0.63ms | SELECT `fp_components`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `component_type`, `fp_component_types`.`model`, `fp_modules`.`name` AS `module`, `fp_modules`.`controller`, `fp_component_positions`.`name` AS `position`, `fp_component_menuitems_assign`.`fp_menuItemId` FROM `fp_components` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON fp_component_types.id = fp_components.type LEFT JOIN `fp_modules` ON fp_modules.id = fp_component_types.moduleId LEFT JOIN `fp_component_positions` ON fp_component_positions.id = fp_components.position LEFT JOIN `fp_component_menuitems_assign` ON fp_component_menuitems_assign.fp_componentId = fp_components.id AND fp_menuItemId = '231' WHERE (`fp_components`.`active` = '1') AND (`fp_component_positions`.`active` = '1') AND (`fp_component_types`.`active` = '1') AND (`lang` = 'cs') AND (`access_type` >= 999) AND (show_in_menu = 0 OR show_in_menu = 2 AND fp_menuItemId IS NOT NULL OR show_in_menu = 3 AND fp_menuItemId IS NULL) ORDER BY `fp_components`.order ASC |
0.26ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.* FROM `fp_menu_items` |
0.18ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON fp_component_types.id = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value AND fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (menuId = '142') AND (fp_component_types.active = 1) AND (fp_menu_items.active = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) ORDER BY `order` ASC |
0.25ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON fp_component_types.id = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value and fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (fp_component_types.active = 1) AND (fp_menu_items.active = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) |
0.20ms | SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '233') LIMIT 1 |
0.67ms | SELECT `fp_content`.`title`, `fp_content`.`introText`, `fp_content`.`seo`, `fp_content`.`image_thumb`, `fp_content`.`pr_perex_link`, `fp_content`.`pr_perex_script` FROM `fp_content` WHERE (is_PR = 1) AND (active = 1) AND ((NOW() BETWEEN date_startPublish AND date_stopPublish) OR (NOW() > date_startPublish AND ISNULL(date_stopPublish))) ORDER BY `date_created` ASC LIMIT 1 |
0.14ms | SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '160') LIMIT 1 |
0.11ms | SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '158') LIMIT 1 |
0.12ms | SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '161') LIMIT 1 |
0.30ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.* FROM `fp_menu_items` |
0.17ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON fp_component_types.id = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value AND fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (menuId = '143') AND (fp_component_types.active = 1) AND (fp_menu_items.active = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) ORDER BY `order` ASC |
0.12ms | SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '162') LIMIT 1 |
0.19ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxosobnosti`.*, `biz_filmy`.`nazev` AS `fnazev`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`id` AS `sid` FROM `biz_filmyxosobnosti` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy` ON biz_filmy.id=biz_filmyxosobnosti.id_film LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_sceny` ON biz_filmy_sceny.id_osfilm=biz_filmyxosobnosti.id WHERE (biz_filmyxosobnosti.pr_video = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.15ms | SELECT `biz_filmyxosobnosti`.*, `biz_filmy`.`id` AS `fid`, `biz_filmy`.`nazev` AS `fnazev`, `biz_filmy`.`seo` AS `fseo`, `biz_filmy`.`typ` AS `ftyp`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`id` AS `sid`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`image`, `biz_filmy_sceny`.`typ`, `biz_videa_kategorie`.`seo_url` AS `kategorie_seo`, `biz_videa_kategorie`.`kategorie_name`, `biz_osobnosti`.`seo` AS `oseo`, `biz_osobnosti`.`jmeno` AS `ojmeno` FROM `biz_filmyxosobnosti` LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy` ON biz_filmy.id=biz_filmyxosobnosti.id_film LEFT JOIN `biz_filmy_sceny` ON biz_filmy_sceny.id_osfilm=biz_filmyxosobnosti.id LEFT JOIN `biz_videa_kategorie` ON biz_videa_kategorie.id=biz_filmyxosobnosti.kategorie_id LEFT JOIN `biz_osobnosti` ON biz_osobnosti.id = biz_filmyxosobnosti.id_user WHERE (biz_filmyxosobnosti.pr_video = 1) LIMIT 1 |
0.18ms | SELECT `fp_content_wrapper`.`content` FROM `fp_content_wrapper` WHERE (id_fp_components = '157') LIMIT 1 |
0.26ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.* FROM `fp_menu_items` |
0.20ms | SELECT `fp_menu_items`.*, `fp_component_types`.`name` AS `componentType`, `fp_seo`.`seo` FROM `fp_menu_items` LEFT JOIN `fp_component_types` ON fp_component_types.id = fp_menu_items.type LEFT JOIN `fp_seo` ON fp_seo.value=fp_menu_items.value AND fp_seo.type = fp_menu_items.type AND fp_seo.lang = 'cs' WHERE (menuId = '144') AND (fp_component_types.active = 1) AND (fp_menu_items.active = 1) AND (access_type >= 999) ORDER BY `order` ASC |