NÁZOR - Nezájem premiéra Borise Johnsona o britský systém veřejného zdravotnictví vyústil v množství tragédií a pokud by byl lékař, byl by suspendován. S tímto obviněním vystoupil v komentáři pro serv ...
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Homicide Captain Andrew Meyer updates the public on a mass shooting in Monterey Park, California. At least 10 people were killed in the mass shooting and the su ...
22.01.2023Médium: CNN.com - RSS Channel - App International Edition
In a harrowing account, junior doctor Andrew Meyerson, 40, said: colleagues were "crying in the car park, devastated and shell-shocked, haunted by the substandard care that they have been forced ...
Writing for the Mirror, junior doctor Dr Andrew Meyerson believes Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Health Secretary Matt Hancock must "accept they have done irreparable damage to this nation’s he ...
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