Další trailer k dobrodružné fantasy Poslední lovec čarodějnic ukazuje v hlavní roli Vina Diesela coby nesmrtelného Kauldera, který loví a zabíjí nebezpečné čarodějnice. Film režíroval Breck Eisner,... ...
Vin Diesel‘s “The Last Witch Hunter” should be the final time he plays this character, according to the majority of critics cursing the fantasy film.
As of Thursday afternoon, the Su ...
Magic is both the beating heart and the Achilles’ heel of “The Last Witch Hunter,” yet another tale of a monster-chaser who saves the world, finds true love, and looks incredibly han ...
Vin Diesel battles immortal witches with badass blades in the new trailer for “The Last Witch Hunter.”
Diesel plays Kaulder, who was once a member of a group of witch hunters and attempted ...
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