Vítejte ve Stepfordu v Connecticutu. Americké předměstí nebylo nikdy nádhernější a děsivější jako tam. Hororová satira Stepfordské paničky, kterou režisér Bryan Forbes natočil podle stejnojmenné novel ...
Stage and screen actor who brought a touch of danger to his roles in Lawrence of Arabia, Becket and The Lion in WinterKatharine Hepburn, his consort in The Lion in Winter (1968), once told Peter O'Too ...
15.12.2013Médium: World news and comment from the Guardian | theguardian.com
With Bryan Forbes passing, I was reminded of what a good director he was.
He taught me the importance of listening. Oh, I had taken acting classes with Wyn Handman, who directed the American  ...
17.05.2013Médium: TheWrap TV - Entertainment Industry Analysis, Breaking Hollywood News
With Bryan Forbes passing, I was reminded of what a good director he was.
He taught me the importance of listening. Oh, I had taken acting classes with Wyn Handman, who directed the American  ...
17.05.2013Médium: TheWrap.com - Entertainment Industry Analysis, Breaking Hollywood News
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