Zábavní gigant Netflix již přes týden válčí s translidmi. Důvodem je komediální speciál The Closer (Bližší), za kterým stojí komik Dave Chappelle. Vše vyvrcholilo krádeží přísně střežených dat. ...
19.10.2021Médium: Kultura | Lidovky.cz – aktuální zprávy
50 Cent is getting praise from the Shreveport Chief of Police for pulling off an epic comedy and music festival that was crime-free... especially given the backdrop of the City. 50 ...
Comedian Dave Chappelle called out local media and warned that one has to be wary of tattle-tales among the audience for him telling jokes that may be offensive to the public.
15.05.2024Médium: Latest & Breaking News on Fox News
The man who attacked Dave Chappelle onstage at the Hollywood Bowl in 2022 is now suing the venue and its associated security ... alleging they allowed this whole debacle to unfold. ...
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