As the 78-year-old star tours his latest solo LP, he answers your questions on his Everton terrace anthem, the making of I’m Not in Love and hosting Joey Ramone in StockportDo 10cc deserve more recogn ...
Positioned between Little Richard and Eddie Cochran is a rock’n’roll star who had a short-lived music career. So why has Dylan chosen this relative unknown to front his essay collection?In the early d ...
Answering Guardian readers’ questions, the singer discusses his epic railway modelling, his admiration of the Sex Pistols and the secrets of his hair regimeDid you have any heroes in the beginning of ...
Ray Edward "Eddie" Cochran (2. října 1938, Albert Lea, Minnesota, Spojené státy – 17. dubna 1960, Bath Road Chippenham, Wiltshire, Anglie) byl americký průkopník rock and rollu. Je autorem hitu "Summertime Blues", který předělalo mnoho známých hudebníků, včetně The Who a Blue Cheer. V roce 1987 vstupil do Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
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