V 65. letech zemřela herečka a zpěvačka Julee Cruise. Proslavila se zejména spoluprací s režisérem Davidem Lynchem. Její éterický hlas zní v písních ze seriálu Městečko Twin Peaks a objevila se také v ...
Naposledy jsme americkou synthpopovou partičku Chromatics v čele s tvůrčím duem Johnnym Jewelem a Ruth Radelet mohli vidět na pódiu společně s herečkou Julee Cruise v jednom dílu nové ...
He found global fame as a film-maker, but Lynch’s passion for music was life-long and resulted in work every bit as surreal as his moviesDavid Lynch, Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive director, dies age ...
The director, along with his collaborator Chrystabell explain – or try to – their new album Cellophane Memories and the magical marriage of music and film‘Where we’re from,” says The Man from the Othe ...
Before she met Lynch, Del Rio’s only hit was in the Netherlands. But her sorrowful singing in Mulholland Drive changed everything. She talks about the death of her son, being homeless and overcoming l ...
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