Matt Salinger, syn amerického spisovatele Jeromeho Davida Salingera, který se proslavil v 50. letech minulého století kultovním románem Kdo chytá v žitě, potvrdil, že jeho otec napsal několik knih, kt ...
05.02.2019Médium: PLAY.CZ - rádia a televize online
The idea of marrying the reality-TV staple “Ice Road Truckers” with the suspense classic “The Wages of Fear” — about long-haul drivers trying to get through treacherous mountain roads with a pay ...
East Coast actor Matt Salinger is best known for playing the top-secret genetically modified superhuman, Steve Rogers -- who is thawed out decades later and saves the White House fr ...
Scott Paulin played the freaky looking fascist villain Red Skull -- opposite Matt Salinger as Captain America -- in the 1990 version of the Marvel movie "Captain America." Guess what he looks l ...
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