Americký herec George Clooney, scenárista Peter Tolan a režisér Bennett Miller připravují televizní seriál o americkém filmovém průmyslu devadesátých let. Seriál zatím nemá název, ale prý půjde o čer ...
16.12.2014Médium: PLAY.CZ - rádia a televize online
Peter Toland, from Derry in Northern Ireland, has been accused of burying the "emaciated dog" alive and was charged with causing unnecessary suffering to the animal
Denis Leary is joining the “Law & Order: Organized Crime” family in a recurring role, TheWrap has confirmed.
The actor is set to play Frank Donnelly, of the NYPD. His character will ...
When Spectrum Originals drops the rest of its “Mad About You” revival, it will have a pair of high-profile guest stars. Jean Smart and Jason Alexander will appear in upcoming episodes that ...
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