Kate Winslet and Rosamund Pike are among the starry lineup in a new TV adaptation of the Moomins. Why do Tove Jansson’s hippo creatures have such enduring appeal?It is -15C and snowy outside but unusu ...
After some hands-on time at the games expo, here is our verdict on Killzone: Shadow Fall; Driveclub; Knack and InFamous: Second Son – as well as the Dual Shock 4 controllerSlick presentations are all ...
13.06.2013Médium: World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk
First look at next generation of console as company announces latest gadget will be available to buy at ChristmasSony launched the latest salvo in its ongoing rivalry with Microsoft with the launch of ...
21.02.2013Médium: World news and comment from the Guardian | guardian.co.uk
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